african, art, love, poetry

Sounds of a Madness


If I’m so angry, why are the birds still singing?
If I want to kill so much, why is my heart still beating?
Since I want to live in silence, why does the mouths keep talking?
When I want no emotions, why do my eyes keep crying?
Is it because I want to drown, that the waves are gently lapping?
Because I want to make love, that you keep leaving?
Because I want to dance, that the music keeps stopping?
Because I want to laugh, that my mind keeps raining?
Why when I am no longer a slave, nobody’s clapping?
Or whenever I start crying people start laughing?
Or whenever I need them most, nobody’s hugging?
Can you say why all the answers I get are shrugging?
Why when I try to make peace, all I get’s a slugging?
While I buy everything, the world keeps stealing?
When I try to stop, I can’t stop feeling?
How come when I try to speak my mind, people start snoring?
When I’m breaking down, everyone else is healing?
God, please just tell me why when everyone else is fine, I’m reeling?


african, art, love, poetry

Courage Slips Through My Rib Cage


Gentle impressions on a relaxed mind, erasing truths and reformulating the minerals coursing through muscle. The eyes, deep. The skin, warm. The breath, shallow. Courage slips through my rib cage and presents itself between us. With such a leader, I am content to follow, and there can be no question I will see where this path will take me.

March 1