Belly Binding, postpartum, womb health

Why Should I Have a Doula?

The word “doula” is Greek, and means “woman’s servant”. For thousands of years, women have served other women during their births, and their support has been proven to have positive outcomes.

“It is a matter of the woman being comfortable, not stressed, in a place where she feels safe, without people fussing, without other people stressing, without anyone else trying to have the baby for her, no clocks, no timing, no telling her what her body already knows.” — Libby Williams

A doula is a woman who has been trained in childbirth, either professionally or through experience, to aid women in their prenatal, labor, birth, and postpartum experience. Her main goal is the mother’s health, wellness, and comfort. She will provide emotional, physical, and informational support throughout the process.

Usually, doula’s are available 24/7 for texting and phone call support, and are available in the weeks surrounding a mother’s birth. Her place is always by the mother’s side, or helping to do the things a mother needs to have done.
Months before your baby is due, you should already hire your doula, so everyone can build a strong relationship in preparation for the child. They are able to lower your birth risks, first and most importantly by helping you write up a cohesive birth plan. Doula’s concern themselves with the mother’s health and wellness, and will aid the mother in making nutritionally sound choices, and this leads to reduced rates of preeclampsia and gestational diabetes during pregnancy. They are able to aid in laboring techniques, which results in statistically lower use of epidurals and other pain interference during the birth process. Having a doula has been proven to reduce c-section rates, as well as give the mother and father a greater satisfaction with birth experience.
Doula’s are not there to take the husband or partner’s place; they are there to

“My husband (partner) is my left hand and my doula is my right.” — from “Doula’s Making a Difference”.

support and affirm both parents. Doula’s give the partner comfort and confidence in their role, can help the partner remember key decisions in rapidly changing situations, and can make sure the partner is in the right place at the right time.

Just as importantly, a doula gives your medical staff assistance as well. If you end up deciding that you would like medication, your doula can remind you of your birth plan, or tell you about your options as needed. Doctors and nurses tend to feel their patients are more informed when they have a doula in the room, and they also know that the mother with a doula is usually calmer and less anxious than other mothers. This leads to quicker, safer births.
Lastly, having a postpartum doula can lead to reduced postpartum depression, as well as gives the mother the much needed rest that she not only wants but requires! More and more evidence is showing that how a mother is taken care of in the year after her child is born (but especially during the 4th trimester!) effects her for the rest of her life! It is so vital and important for a mother to spend her first month postpartum in bed, and this is where a postpartum doula can come in. She can give the mother breastfeeding support, help with small housework such as laundry and cooking, and look after the baby for a moment so mom can grab a quick shower! A postpartum doula is also a good person to talk to about postpartum belly binding, if you think you are interested.
Black infants consistently have had the lowest rates of breastfeeding initiation and duration across all study years. Black mothers may need more, targeted support to start and continue breastfeeding ( Hiring a doula can  help you gain confidence while breastfeeding a newborn.

Every woman should have a doula at her birth–and worldwide there are thousands! There are so many women eager and willing to give another woman the care she deserves during her child bearing experience, please be sure to ask around your town for help no matter what your financial situation, or how well you think you can handle everything alone!

Please contact me if you have any more questions about what a doula is or does!
At the moment, I service Postpartum mothers through belly binding and pregnancy, postpartum, and birth rituals. If you are looking for a birthworker of color still feel free to talk to me, however! I am connected with hundreds of birthworkers across the United States (and some beyond!) and would love to see if we can connect you with someone who can closely align with your personal needs!
Peace on your path,
“The way a woman gives birth can affect the whole of the rest of her life. How can that not matter? Unless the woman herself does not matter?” –Beverley Beech and Belinda Phipps