african, art, conjure, hoodoo, poetry, Sacred Sister Circle

Roots Woman Commitments

Thanks for dropping by my page! I noticed this post with this picture and poem get a decent amount of traffic so thought I would reintroduce myself here real quick.

My name is Tahtahme and I do a lot of volunteer work as well as have a few businesses that center around my commitment to help Black folks reclaim ATRs, convert to them, and feel supported along the way. My focus is on longevity and eradicating inequality while working towards peace always. Below are a few of my projects that you might enjoy exploring:

๐Ÿ‚IG @SpiritualBlackGirls – an aesthetic and inspirational page for promoting Black women leaving behind Abrahamic religions
๐ŸƒTheย Sacred Sister Circleย goes through the Gateways of Sacred Woman by Queen Afua from a Hoodoo and more modern perspective.
๐Ÿ‚ย The Womb Healing Workbooks have various themes including sexual abuse healing, sex magic, and punani knowledge.
๐Ÿƒย My personal YouTube channel has information about me as well as general info on ATRs and other interests I have.


โœจ Live or Perishย ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿƒ
In this world there are but two choices:
Live each day one minute at a time
Or perish.
The trees know which path I took and though it was a way not many people understood,
I did not mind the rustle in the wind that whispered…
They welcomed me in and I never turned back.๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ‚โœจ
๐Ÿ“ท unknown ๐ŸŒท ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒฟ



african, Bibliomancy, conjure, hoodoo, postpartum, Sacred Sister Circle, womb health

Sacred Sister Circle

๐Ÿ”น๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”น2018 Gateway Schedule๐Ÿ”น๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”น
(working through Sacred Woman by Queen Afua):
February – Gateway 0 : Sacred Womb
March – Gateway 1 : Sacred Words
April – Gateway 2: Sacred Foods
May – Gateway 3: Sacred Movement
June – Gateway 4: Sacred Beauty
July – Gateway 5: Sacred Space
August – Gateway 6: Sacred Healing
September – Gateway 7: Sacred Relationships
October – Gateway 8: Sacred Union
November – Gateway 9: Nefer Atum
December – TBD
January 2019 – Gateway 0
– You work roots, do Hoodoo, or are interested in reclaiming the tradition
– You want to balance the sacred woman and the fighter, the spiritual and the reality
– You are trying to heal your womb, or the wombs of those in your cocmmunity
– You want a space to get your spiritual fill steadily every week/month
– You want to start making your spirituality a lifestyle
– You want to start working through the book Sacred Woman by Queen Afua
– You want to connect with other sisters interested in the same thing as you are
-You want to commit to more womb and feminine movement
-You want to dance on the Full Moon with the energy of your sisters worldwide
– You want to become your own version of the Sacred Bruja ๐Ÿ”น๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”น Join Us at โœจโœจโœจ

african, art, conjure, hoodoo, poetry

She Heals Herself

โœจSmoke the room to start the day, all your troubles melt away

โœจ Allow the flora grow with care, and this abundance will be shared

โœจ Your curls adorn with softest touch, and they shall grow ever much.

โœจ Use your crystals every night, allow your dreams to take true flight.

โœจ Feel comfort in your melanin; your ancestors will help you win.

6:33a PT

african, art, love, poetry

It Was Good


Impress upon my hips the promises of your tongue, glide, smooth, teach me. You’ve become the master of this creation–or were you always perfect for this work? Was I your expertise–someone you sought out for just this reason? You could not have naturally known how to have appeared and so perfectly–but then again, it happened like wind, or rain, or light…. in a way that stole my soul into the chasm above our heads, only to gaze down at the sight with relaxed satisfaction– It Was Good.

March 27

african, art, poetry

You Thrill Me in the Usual Way


Our love isn’t that level of mystery–you never forget to call. And when I see your smile, I know just where the right dimple will crease… Your hand around my waist? Familiar. Your lips upon my cheek? A whispered secret I have held in my heart since forever. To see you looking towards me is to have you thrill me in the usual way. The secrets of your character surround me like armor–it is the one thing I know the best of all…

Feb 17

african, art, poetry

He Always Sees the Rainbows First


He always sees the rainbows first–
That’s how it’s always been
If I can close my eyes I can
Remember way back when

We were both sixteen and we
Had snuck out of our homes
And let the dark streets swallow us
As we chose to roam.

And he would point above and
Claim he saw a shooting star
And I would shake my head
Because I couldn’t see that far–

He doesn’t practice at it–
His soul’s just built that way.
I remain in his presence
Just to see too, if I may.

Feb 2015