Belly Binding, postpartum

Manifestations For A New Mother


Please do not be scared to love yourself.
Don’t be scared to hold yourself close,
To remind yourself it will all be alright,
To uplift yourself,
And accept yourself for who you are.
Don’t forget to give yourself kisses,
To embrace every wrinkle
Every blemish,
Every scar.
Please don’t measure your worth by your surroundings,
You are not your home.
You are not the people you live with.
You are not your babies.
You are you, and you are good at doing that and
You are enough.
Please don’t forget to succumb to joy.
Don’t forget to let yourself be a reason you smile.
Don’t forget to take care of you,
To take a bath,
To eat a meal prepared only for you,
To take yourself shopping,
To relax and unwind…

Please don’t be scared to love yourself.
Don’t be scared to trace your fingers along the pain,
To pause and simply feel
To accept happiness and sorrow,
To forgive yourself.
Please don’t be scared to cry
No matter the situation, how happy or sad….
Do not worry when it feels you are the only one–
You are not!
Do not feel your worth has been diminished–
It has not!
Do not be ashamed when you aren’t the same as last year–
You shouldn’t be her; she is gone!
Do not be scared to love yourself.


african, Belly Binding, womb health

Is It Too Late to Heal Myself With Belly Binding?

Many moms ask me, “Tahtahme, is it too late to start?” You will find people who claim that there is no evidence belly binding works, or that it is a waste of time to do after the first 40 days postpartum. From my own experience and others I have witnessed, as well as thousands of years of indigenous historical evidence, I would say that is not true. Women at all stages of their journey have found postpartum belly binding and waist training to be useful to themselves, even beyond the fourth trimester.
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Many mothers still find belly binding useful beyond the 4th trimester, even several years and pregnancies after their first child!

I started binding at almost 90 days postpartum, and saw drastic results the first day I tried it. Women who get cesarean sections are often encouraged to wait anywhere from a few days to a few weeks postpartum to begin binding–allowing their incision to heal–and they still express relief, comfort, and healing from belly binding. In addition, many women begin belly binding several years and several babies later. They, too, experience positive results with their “mommy tummy” (which is often simply undiagnosed diastasis recti).

I did not start belly binding until the 4th trimester was almost over, and have had many clients who started decades after their last pregnancy with success.
What you need to do for fitness might vary depending on how recently you had a baby, but binding can still aid you on your journey! Waist training should never (and could never) replace healthy eating and exercising, but nothing can replace those things. Belly binding is a useful aid for repairing your abdominal muscles, working on your posture, strengthening your core, suppressing a large appetite, bringing saggy skin back up to the body, and realigning your womb. You will never know if this could work for you until you try!
Many women find that even though they had originally assumed they would need thousands of dollars worth of reconstructive surgery, all that they needed were the correct tools to assist their healing!