
Twenty Five


I haven’t even hit age twenty five,
And can’t remember half the days I’ve been alive.
I allow the thoughts to slip through my mind
While automatic proceedings dictate this grind.
If I am to live the life that I deserve,
I must be wary of the choices I serve.

April 2015

african, art, poetry

The Pride


If you are the lion,
Then I’m in your pride.
Let’s nap in the sunlight–
I’ll sprawl by your side.
I can tempt you in evenings
To watch while I move.
You can jump on my back 
When you’ve something to prove.
Your roar would be mighty,
Scare beasts from their post…
We could ditch the pride lands
For the Ivory Coast.

Jan 29

Artwork by: Akili Mansa Richards

african, art, poetry

Yet, On I Drink


Our love? My addiction–
on I drink.
It can’t kill me this once more,
I think?
Commanding seduction in your long, brown stare…
I find myself becoming lost
the crevice nests between my thighs…
I cannot leave; my spirit cries.
Am I strong, or am I weak?
Can I trust my lips to speak?
Should I use my strength to fight,
Or slip to you, again tonight?

Jan 26

Artwork by: Demar Douglas

african, art, poetry

Follow Me to the Jungle


Your stress is apparent–
You live as they do.
You sell off your lifespan,
You work for your food.
You forget what its like
To let instinct command,
You hesitate slightly
When I offer my hand.
Follow me to the jungle,
I’ll help you, my friend,
Reawaken the warrior
That slumbers within.
The path that you wander,
So cutthroat and cold,
Perhaps you can detour
To my path’s bold
Paradise of power and passion
And dreams
To languish all morning,
Amongst other things.
Follow me to the jungle,
I beg you to see,
How little of that chaos
You honestly need.
I am not a woman
For a home full of stuff,
Come with me to the jungle;
That will be enough.

Jan 29

Artwork by: Frans Mensink

african, art, poetry

A Manifestation for an Unborn Daughter


My little girl,
Just to be fair,
Will have smooth
In her hair.
I hope it puffs out
Black as night,
I pray she dreams with all her might.
I wish she’ll have his chocolate eyes,
I pray she’ll find me somewhat wise.
I sense her lips will be soft pink,
I trust her aura be distinct.
I hope her skin be
Soft and brown,
Allow her happiness be unbound.

Jan 28

Artwork by: potasium.co.vu