african, art, poetry

That’s How It Works


Where you go, I will go, that’s how it works. Others may question, eyebrows might rise, but we are a package now–reserve two seats at the table of life from now until forever. I was bestowed two eyes, but that’s only to see you better–others can wonder, but there’s no need to explain ourselves.

Feb 18

african, art, poetry

My Favorite Tune


Your smile is a melody,
It is my favorite tune.
It has a breath of tenderness
The gradual warmth of June.
You were the rhythm that echoed around,
When I was very young–
The first day that I met you,
I had known my song was sung.
I will dance to it just as long
As we keep up this beat–
I am so grateful that the bars were
Writ so you and I would meet.

Feb 11

african, art, poetry



It was one of those hard days…old emotions flooded straight out of my eyes. My brain burned, my body weak, I needed an outside distraction. Funk soothes my soul; I find a mix, press play…

He neared me from behind–his melenated skin emanating heat–I fretted–Not Now.

But with a gentleness, my head was taken into his hands, his fingers worked the anguish from my scalp, ran the length of my neck, relaxed my tense spine.

“I might even carry some of your load, right along with mine…” Melting me like that–I could feel the pressure from every side…

He must have been Hercules.

January 25, 2014
Inspired by Aaron Neville’s “Hercules”

Artwork by: Manasseh Johnson