african, art, poetry

Pay Attention!


man of nothing
man of despair
have you any dignity
do you not care

the ones you step on
you will need one day
the mother of your child
will run away

can you make her smile
oh that isn’t your style
can you see the pain you’re causing
can you see the hurt

better pay attention
or you’ll be in the dirt

living free now
for how long
not being a father
not being at home

home is where the love is
home is where it stays
home is something you won’t have
if you keep doing things your way

live and learn they say
have you learned yet
treat a good woman
with very much respect
she will do anything
if you give her the chance

listen with your ears
listen real close
those who can’t hear the real woman
suffers most


african, art, poetry

Ask Your Mama


And don’t forget to ask her questions
Before her body’s gone,
Before her words cannot be spoke
And spirit has moved on.

Don’t forget to ask her about
The wild look in her eye,
About the man in youth she loved,
And the summers since gone by.

If she hesitates to let you know,
Beg her; please believe
You’ll wish you had her story’s warmth
When your mama leaves.

Feb 6

african, art, poetry

Let Mother’s Song Embrace You


And when you listen,
Listen good–
Let Mother’s song embrace you.
She has the perfect hum
To vibrate right to the soul
And soften the shell required
To survive among
The animals of society.
Her tune will gracefully
Float high at the inhale and
Take root at exhale. If you feel
At ease…it has been done
The way she intended.

Feb 3

african, art, poetry

A Manifestation for an Unborn Daughter


My little girl,
Just to be fair,
Will have smooth
In her hair.
I hope it puffs out
Black as night,
I pray she dreams with all her might.
I wish she’ll have his chocolate eyes,
I pray she’ll find me somewhat wise.
I sense her lips will be soft pink,
I trust her aura be distinct.
I hope her skin be
Soft and brown,
Allow her happiness be unbound.

Jan 28

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