
Twenty Five


I haven’t even hit age twenty five,
And can’t remember half the days I’ve been alive.
I allow the thoughts to slip through my mind
While automatic proceedings dictate this grind.
If I am to live the life that I deserve,
I must be wary of the choices I serve.

April 2015

african, art, love, poetry

Courage Slips Through My Rib Cage


Gentle impressions on a relaxed mind, erasing truths and reformulating the minerals coursing through muscle. The eyes, deep. The skin, warm. The breath, shallow. Courage slips through my rib cage and presents itself between us. With such a leader, I am content to follow, and there can be no question I will see where this path will take me.

March 1

african, art, poetry

Earth, Wind, Fire


Open jar,
Select the tree.
My fingers break it easily.
Pack a bowl;
Earth, wind, fire.
Water bubbles, shifting higher.
Plucks me out the despair sea,
Drifting off–
Calm melancholy.

6:19 am

Artist: Unknown by me, but I wish I knew…this girl reminds me of myself ♥