african, art, love, poetry

Courage Slips Through My Rib Cage


Gentle impressions on a relaxed mind, erasing truths and reformulating the minerals coursing through muscle. The eyes, deep. The skin, warm. The breath, shallow. Courage slips through my rib cage and presents itself between us. With such a leader, I am content to follow, and there can be no question I will see where this path will take me.

March 1

african, art, poetry

I’m Not Nervous Anymore


I just want to hold tight and push together and I just want these damn clothes off and I want to disappear into the thickness of his love and my love and pure heaven and, perhaps, never worry again.

I don’t care if we’re outside or inside or nowhere as long as we remain together and we’re in love and we don’t have to worry about life and we take these damn clothes off.


Artwork by: Michele Assarasakorn