african, art, love, poetry

The True Path To Happiness


Having more only burns my desire,
I crave you now, though I’ve worried for nothing else all day…
I can only offer a shrug because
It’s not something I control–
Automatic responses are the true path to happiness.
Following what my body cannot resist and take the life that comes…
I do not struggle against what burns within me–that would only waste our time.
I will remain on this path

March 16

african, art, poetry

The Rose Cannot Get More Sweet


She is the wild rose–each petal blooms outward to reveal the layers of self she nurtures within her honey core. The sun caresses her presence, for she is essential to the process of life. If she has thorns, the world made her this way–they add to the spirit of this blossom–it cannot be reached with a careless hand. She withstands the wind and the warmth and sometimes she braves the mountaintop and sometimes she sways in the meadows…
The rose cannot get more sweet— there are some blooms worth tending for the fragrance.

Feb 18

african, art, poetry

That’s How It Works


Where you go, I will go, that’s how it works. Others may question, eyebrows might rise, but we are a package now–reserve two seats at the table of life from now until forever. I was bestowed two eyes, but that’s only to see you better–others can wonder, but there’s no need to explain ourselves.

Feb 18