african, art, love, poetry

All I Had Was My Spirit


Inwardly I zone myself. It is time to. They say the only way to get things done is to run solo and see the job through, and I have been known to call on my inner strength and do the impossible. At times it has appeared there is no way, that my limbs are too beat to move, but I know me better than anyone. I don’t break. Even in the strongest of winds I bend, because at the lowest points of my life, all I had was my spirit, easing my broken body along.

Feb 26

african, art, poetry

My Favorite Tune


Your smile is a melody,
It is my favorite tune.
It has a breath of tenderness
The gradual warmth of June.
You were the rhythm that echoed around,
When I was very young–
The first day that I met you,
I had known my song was sung.
I will dance to it just as long
As we keep up this beat–
I am so grateful that the bars were
Writ so you and I would meet.

Feb 11

african, art, poetry

Earth, Wind, Fire


Open jar,
Select the tree.
My fingers break it easily.
Pack a bowl;
Earth, wind, fire.
Water bubbles, shifting higher.
Plucks me out the despair sea,
Drifting off–
Calm melancholy.

6:19 am

Artist: Unknown by me, but I wish I knew…this girl reminds me of myself ♥