african, art, poetry

I Will Not Change A Thing


You see me run in the sun–
I get high off the breeze.
I breathe it all in
Cuz it’s so good to me.
If ever you asked this girl
To be like you be,
I’d laugh it all off
Cuz I do as I please.

My life has exactly the
Flavor I crave–
I will not change a thing
Till I’m locked in my grave.
You are scared of real life–
That’s why you feel I am brave,
You are simply too fearful to
Step out your cave.

There’s a fire within
That we all must let burn,
It will give us the strength
To find that which we yearn.
We may grow strong as oak,
Or as soft as the fern,
But in the end it’s a lesson
That all of us learn.

Feb 6