african, art, poetry

I Will Not Give Up


I must face the coming day–
There really is no choice.
My common sense insists I
Take the next bite
At the next meal
Inhale each breath in the perfect pattern.
My soul will not relent and
Will not allow a single fiber give up for
Even a moment.
I have always flowed down this river–
Refusing to cease and refusing to hesitate
Pushing on and altering myself to fit the path of the terrain.
At the end I know I won’t quiver–there will be no shame in my gut.
I will have fought the entire time
And that will have to be enough.

March 8

african, art, love, poetry

Courage Slips Through My Rib Cage


Gentle impressions on a relaxed mind, erasing truths and reformulating the minerals coursing through muscle. The eyes, deep. The skin, warm. The breath, shallow. Courage slips through my rib cage and presents itself between us. With such a leader, I am content to follow, and there can be no question I will see where this path will take me.

March 1

african, art, poetry

Battle Hymn of Tahtahme


Must climb the mass of spikes and stones
Littering the road that I walk on.
My comrades are angered and we are armed–
I lead the march cuz I am the harm.
No matter what appears, I march on….
And on and on,
Keep moving on.
We all know sad news is never gone…

None can touch me–I’m invincible.
It’s not only reality–it’s the principle.
I lead this group, you may call me Constable.

Faith is not an option, it is requirement.
I run to the comforting sound of what love meant.

I am not scared–that’s not faith, so,
I keep fear at bay wherever I go.

I like my own tune, so I’ll maintain what I’ve said
For I march to the sound of the drums in my head.

Some drums boom, others just tat.
How could I not know the sound of that?
It’s the sound of justice when the soul calls to move–
The sound of my heart when strong words speak the truth.
It’s the sound of a gun before a life dies,
The echo of the brain when the mouth tells lies.
I listen, hope, live for it
If others could hear, they would try for it.

My fighting doesn’t end with someone else wronged,
But someday in the future when we all get along…


african, art, poetry

I Will Not Change A Thing


You see me run in the sun–
I get high off the breeze.
I breathe it all in
Cuz it’s so good to me.
If ever you asked this girl
To be like you be,
I’d laugh it all off
Cuz I do as I please.

My life has exactly the
Flavor I crave–
I will not change a thing
Till I’m locked in my grave.
You are scared of real life–
That’s why you feel I am brave,
You are simply too fearful to
Step out your cave.

There’s a fire within
That we all must let burn,
It will give us the strength
To find that which we yearn.
We may grow strong as oak,
Or as soft as the fern,
But in the end it’s a lesson
That all of us learn.

Feb 6

african, art, poetry

“Can We Go Further?”


“Can we go further?”
he whispered. We were
both around 16, yet I
was braver then…. I
knew this was it.
What would I choose?
What should I say? And
my mind going crazy
with the thought–him
and me…connected. And
I reached for him, my
heart in my throat

unable to breath.


Artwork by: Milo Manara