african, art, love, poetry

Courage Slips Through My Rib Cage


Gentle impressions on a relaxed mind, erasing truths and reformulating the minerals coursing through muscle. The eyes, deep. The skin, warm. The breath, shallow. Courage slips through my rib cage and presents itself between us. With such a leader, I am content to follow, and there can be no question I will see where this path will take me.

March 1

african, art, love, poetry

Falling To My Humility


Within me, that very night, I felt uninhibited by all fears. I found myself falling to my humility and professing my loyalty. Far from feeling smaller or dominated, I knew in those moments I was more free than I’d ever been…

October 13, 2014

Artwork by: Monica Lynne

african, art, love, poetry

I Bet You Know I Love You…


So, I bet you know I love you,
Though I rarely do say why…
It could be the sound of your breath in the morning;
It could simply be that you’re mine.

Perhaps it’s the way you look at me sideways,
Mystery deep in your eyes….
The playful glint you hold inside
Never fails to mesmerize.

When you hold my hand so tightly,
When your arms around me set,
When I breath your scent in deeply,
These moments I know for certain, I never could forget.

When you put a ring on my finger,
When you spoke my full new name,
When you’re nestled deep within me,
Living never felt the same.

I’m so blessed that you’re beside me,
Grateful and I’m lucky, too.
Please, Taitah, never forget,
I love you!

Tahtahme Xero

Artwork by: Kevin A Williams