african, art, poetry

You Thrill Me in the Usual Way


Our love isn’t that level of mystery–you never forget to call. And when I see your smile, I know just where the right dimple will crease… Your hand around my waist? Familiar. Your lips upon my cheek? A whispered secret I have held in my heart since forever. To see you looking towards me is to have you thrill me in the usual way. The secrets of your character surround me like armor–it is the one thing I know the best of all…

Feb 17

african, art, poetry

The Rose Cannot Get More Sweet


She is the wild rose–each petal blooms outward to reveal the layers of self she nurtures within her honey core. The sun caresses her presence, for she is essential to the process of life. If she has thorns, the world made her this way–they add to the spirit of this blossom–it cannot be reached with a careless hand. She withstands the wind and the warmth and sometimes she braves the mountaintop and sometimes she sways in the meadows…
The rose cannot get more sweet— there are some blooms worth tending for the fragrance.

Feb 18

african, art, poetry

Awakening To His Adoration


My mind opened and slipped immediately into depths of brown. “Good morning” could hardly describe the shiver that slid down my back as my body tried to revive conscious thought. His eyes were excellence–truly a window leading me to paradise.
Life can hardly follow awakening to his adoration…

Feb 19

african, art, poetry

What’s to be Said, That Hasn’t Been Used?


What’s to be said,
That we haven’t said before?
What’s to slam,
When there’s a lock on the door?
What’s to bee,
When the flowers are gone?
What’s to continue,
At the end of dawn?
Whats to saw,
When everything’s seen?
What’s to be angry,
When they’re equally mean?
What’s to cry,
When what’s sad is done?
What’s to play,
When there is no fun?
What’s to live,
When you’re the last to stand?
What’s to cry,
When you’re offered a hand?
What’s to be angry,
For that’s what they want,
What’s to fear,
For horrors still haunt….
What’s to continue,
When you’ve reached the end?
What’s to be,
When you’ve nothing to lend?
What’s to slam,
When you’re confused,
What’s to be said,
That hasn’t been used?


Artwork by: Tamara Natalie Madden

african, art, poetry

He Always Sees the Rainbows First


He always sees the rainbows first–
That’s how it’s always been
If I can close my eyes I can
Remember way back when

We were both sixteen and we
Had snuck out of our homes
And let the dark streets swallow us
As we chose to roam.

And he would point above and
Claim he saw a shooting star
And I would shake my head
Because I couldn’t see that far–

He doesn’t practice at it–
His soul’s just built that way.
I remain in his presence
Just to see too, if I may.

Feb 2015

african, art, poetry

Battle Hymn of Tahtahme


Must climb the mass of spikes and stones
Littering the road that I walk on.
My comrades are angered and we are armed–
I lead the march cuz I am the harm.
No matter what appears, I march on….
And on and on,
Keep moving on.
We all know sad news is never gone…

None can touch me–I’m invincible.
It’s not only reality–it’s the principle.
I lead this group, you may call me Constable.

Faith is not an option, it is requirement.
I run to the comforting sound of what love meant.

I am not scared–that’s not faith, so,
I keep fear at bay wherever I go.

I like my own tune, so I’ll maintain what I’ve said
For I march to the sound of the drums in my head.

Some drums boom, others just tat.
How could I not know the sound of that?
It’s the sound of justice when the soul calls to move–
The sound of my heart when strong words speak the truth.
It’s the sound of a gun before a life dies,
The echo of the brain when the mouth tells lies.
I listen, hope, live for it
If others could hear, they would try for it.

My fighting doesn’t end with someone else wronged,
But someday in the future when we all get along…


african, art, poetry

That’s How It Works


Where you go, I will go, that’s how it works. Others may question, eyebrows might rise, but we are a package now–reserve two seats at the table of life from now until forever. I was bestowed two eyes, but that’s only to see you better–others can wonder, but there’s no need to explain ourselves.

Feb 18