african, art, love, poetry

You Thought Wrong, Bitch, Not Today


There’s no real way to describe the fight
That ends up killing you–it takes so many nights
To build and wear and tear you down
To smack your face and steal your crown.
To show you how naive you’d been
Believin your power went past your whim…

Life doesn’t let you see it come, though–
Amused with you, she’ll take it slow,
And right when your smile couldn’t get wider,
Right when that high just couldn’t get higher?
She has a way of passing peaks
To slap you full on both your cheeks.

“You thought it’d go like this,” she say.
“You thought wrong, bitch, not today.
I got a bigger plan in mind,
You’re not in it–get left behind.”

I can’t complain. She speaks the truth.
We all embrace a boastful youth,
But in the end we all must learn,
When one man wins, another burns–
That’s simple yin/yang in this land.

Ah, but wouldn’t winning be so grand?


african, art, love, poetry

Sounds of a Madness


If I’m so angry, why are the birds still singing?
If I want to kill so much, why is my heart still beating?
Since I want to live in silence, why does the mouths keep talking?
When I want no emotions, why do my eyes keep crying?
Is it because I want to drown, that the waves are gently lapping?
Because I want to make love, that you keep leaving?
Because I want to dance, that the music keeps stopping?
Because I want to laugh, that my mind keeps raining?
Why when I am no longer a slave, nobody’s clapping?
Or whenever I start crying people start laughing?
Or whenever I need them most, nobody’s hugging?
Can you say why all the answers I get are shrugging?
Why when I try to make peace, all I get’s a slugging?
While I buy everything, the world keeps stealing?
When I try to stop, I can’t stop feeling?
How come when I try to speak my mind, people start snoring?
When I’m breaking down, everyone else is healing?
God, please just tell me why when everyone else is fine, I’m reeling?


african, art, love, poetry

Courage Slips Through My Rib Cage


Gentle impressions on a relaxed mind, erasing truths and reformulating the minerals coursing through muscle. The eyes, deep. The skin, warm. The breath, shallow. Courage slips through my rib cage and presents itself between us. With such a leader, I am content to follow, and there can be no question I will see where this path will take me.

March 1

african, art, love, poetry

I Should Have Kept Your Habits Fed…


“I don’t buy smokes!” (that made sense in my head,
But what did it matter? Now you’re dead.)
We thought we were right, as you lay in that bed–
Should have listened when you said
You needed somethin. Legal meds….
But we were stupid! By love, misled!
I should have kept your habits fed,
Relaxed your mind, and eased my dread,
Now all that’s left are tears to shed,
As we push onwards in your stead…

March 1

african, art, love, poetry

All I Had Was My Spirit


Inwardly I zone myself. It is time to. They say the only way to get things done is to run solo and see the job through, and I have been known to call on my inner strength and do the impossible. At times it has appeared there is no way, that my limbs are too beat to move, but I know me better than anyone. I don’t break. Even in the strongest of winds I bend, because at the lowest points of my life, all I had was my spirit, easing my broken body along.

Feb 26

african, art, love, poetry

The Power of One (When There’s Evil In This Place)


Why shrug your shoulders when you hear my despair?
When they say people suffer, why don’t you care?
Do you think it doesn’t touch you when there’s evil in this place?
But I see danger, and am pissed enough to make a case.

So you have your house and your collection full of stuff,
And by the looks of your habits, this will never be enough.
You like to think you “earned” it, this privilege to breathe
And somehow everyone else has “earned” the right to endless grief….
You say it isn’t you, you don’t make the world this way,
But I’m here to beg, let’s look at yesterday…

Even in the grandest of schemes,
It wouldn’t be that hard
To hesitate for humanity
Before you swipe that card,
But when holidays come
You conveniently forget
To watch who you pay
Even just for a bit.
Does that chocolate not have
Creamy death to its taste?
How can you bless your loved ones
With the gift of disgrace?
Why do you allow that candy
Melt decadent as a treat
When you don’t look in the eyes
Of the homeless that you meet?
I only beg you to look at the enslaved men and girls
Because that’s what your lifestyle
Does to the world…

You support these companies
(Who don’t give a shit),
Say, “I wish all the best!”
And think you’ve done your bit?
You know that’s bull,
And, well, so do I.
How advanced can you get
When you offer yourself lies?

Get off of your high horse,
Stop living like a king
Of hoarding and grief
Amongst other things.
You don’t need a front hall closet
Filled up to the top
Just think of your family
Worldwide and you’ll stop.
Of course it’s okay for
An occasional treat,
But don’t torture people
Just cuz you’ll never meet.

Tahtahme Lizz Cann


Feb 2015

Chocolate and Slavery