Sacred Sister Circle

“I don’t know anyone who actually graduated from Queen Afua’s classes!”
“I can’t find a Sacred Woman anywhere near me, even though I know 100% that I would dedicate to joining that sacred space on a regular basis.”

“The Sacred Woman book is great…but it’s so dense and hard to get through! I know it would be easier if only I could find someone who understands the material to lead me through…”

Do any of these statements sound familiar to you? I used to say them myself all the time! Taking care of your womb in all new ways, total diet changes, waking up long before dawn, doing deep, hard spiritual work that you’ve probably never done before…all while trying to face some of the darkest demons of your past that are still tearing you up to this day alone?!?! It’s madness!

Centuries ago, we’d have had a whole community behind us. There would have been a trusted Elder we could approach for our healing, even someone our age who would have had the tools and ability to help our mending. Books like Sacred Woman and my Womb Healing Workbooks can help bridge the gap in a lot of ways (especially when it comes to ultra personal work that you do not feel comfortable sharing), but nothing can truly replace having someone there who is actively a part of your journey with you!

Every Monday at 7am PT (BPT 💜) I host a Sacred Sister Circle for Women of Color!

Simply watch the circle via livestream. I host rain or shine, so that you can get your spiritual cup filled for the week no matter where you are in the world.

We learn simple womb healing and womb care, reading sacred and indigenous texts, working on our own spirituality, womb dancing/movement, connecting as a sisterhood, ritual, ceremony, guest speakers and more!

This circle is for those who venerate the Ancestors.

🌱🏵️🌱For Black Women 🌱🏵️🌱

Ages 16+


Travel Through the Gateways Online With the Sacred Sister Circle – $1 donation optional through Patreon! **For Black Women

Are you interested in journeying through the Sacred Gateways as Queen Afua showed them in the book Sacred Woman? In Sacred Woman, Queen Afua addresses religion, stating that any of us, regardless of religion, can be Sacred Women. The Sacred Sister Circle is for Black women who practice Hoodoo/Ancestral Veneration as well as are Sacred Women.

This is an ongoing spiritual experience every Monday at 7am PT! At each Sister Circle we build our femininity, inner strength, and focus on each gateway and it’s effect on our lives. It can be difficult to focus quite on what our spiritual goals are, and

We also do Womb Yoga Dance before we begin the Circle each Monday!

Sign up at

Please visit the site for more information and feel free to message me if you have any questions.